Cara got out this box of baggies and decided that Kiley wanted some...

More baggies...

Cara posing sweetly while Kiley cries...

Cara hiding

Whatcha doing, Kiley?

Smiley Kiley

Cara fell over...

but still wanted to play in the hamper...


All of the O'Connor girls

Cara can now reach anything she wants on the table

Trying to put Kiley's pacifier in her mouth....


Cara's new bathing suit! She is ready for summer!

Modeling the bathing suit
Hey, Jonah has the same blue butterfly shirt. : ) I LOVE the pictures ... I would be willing to bet they will be best friends as they grow up. So sweet. Oh, and Jonah is very jealous of the minnie bathing suit. : )
Oh my goodness...I just can't wait to see those girls!
Kiley is looking more like Cara as her face fills out. All those women in the house should prove to be a challenge for you Erin.
Can't wait to see you in June.
Grandma Bernie
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